2015-01-19 3:39 PM
I'm trying to use a mass storage example taken from herehttp://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/LN1734/PF258157
. When I'm executing, at startup the driver gets a SUSP, RESET and ESOF interrupt causing it to first reset then suspend and it stay indefinitly suspended. When debugging I noticed that in the PowerOn method executed at startup (just before interruption control register setting) the instruction_SetISTR(0);
does not write the entire register to zero.
So three questions:
1: Is it possible that my observation comes from the time needed by the debugger to read the register, a single step on the instruction, causing new interrupts to occures ?
2: If no, does my problem could come from here ?
3: Anybody got this mass storage exemple working ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
2015-01-19 7:48 PM
2015-01-20 8:48 AM
...searching for the example code can you please provide that code for me.
He cited a specific library with examples, download THAT. Review also the firmware libraries for the EVAL series boards, and the examples therein.2015-01-20 11:29 AM
Click on my link and go to the bottom of the page, you'll see a download button. Once you downloaded the file you'll find everything you need in it. Thanks to MCD Application Team.
2015-01-22 11:36 AM
So nobody with a little bit of experience in USB on cortex (or not) can give a piece of advice how to understand why my device enters in suspended mode right after startup reset ?
It will be really appreaciated because its drives me crazy !!