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USB_Host_Lib on STM32F107

Associate II
Posted on September 13, 2011 at 11:32

USB_Host_Lib on STM32F107

Posted on September 13, 2011 at 13:16

(no text)

You have a bunch of post that have no real content/question, perhaps the forum has eaten your posts, or you need to try another browser.

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Posted on September 13, 2011 at 15:49

''Tags: the worst forum software in the world


Note that ST are very touchy about their forum, and liable to consider such tags an ''abuse'' of the forum, and a ''violation'' of the Ts & Cs...


Posted on September 13, 2011 at 17:39

I think the ST technical guys are embarrassed by the state of things. The first step is to admit how awful it really is. The second is for someone in management to understand the difference between eye-candy, and robust functionality, and pick the right path forward.



It looks to me more like a Microsoft design/implementation issue. Someone from Microsoft seriously needs to look at how PHPBB and Simple Machines tackled the bulletin board. It's not by embedding Word/Notepad, or by using 800 character URLs.


It reflects badly on ST. They are free to edit the posts as they see fit. I'm not the only one having problems with it.


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Associate II
Posted on September 13, 2011 at 20:48

On the plus side, posting works again today.  I think.  Or it could be one of those days when I can write a post only to have the forum software fail during submission.

It seems to be all part of the ''Microsoft disease'', just like the abysmally bad STLink implementation on the VLDiscovery board that only implements the responses that Windows requires.  Todays version of Windows.  Not understanding that the bugs Linux and BSD users experience might bite all users with the next version of Windows.

Posted on September 13, 2011 at 23:50

''They are free to edit the posts as they see fit''

Or delete them and ignore the issues.
Posted on September 14, 2011 at 17:15

On the plus side, posting works again today.  I think.

Yes, the thing seems to be in flux. With tweaks to address odd Firefox 6.x behaviour. Still occasionally getting the ''Microcontroller > STM32 > New Item'' issue where it loses track of what post I'm replying to, and whether I'm logged on. I'd expect it to either be transparently logging me in, or prompting.

It seems to be all part of the ''Microsoft disease''


Which one, the it'll work in 3.0, or that we'll keep releasing new versions, with new features, while not fixing all the bugs from before, and introducing new ones?

I think you mean the one where people hack their code so it's accepted by Microsoft's drivers and interpretation of the specifications. Certainly run into this with Mass-Storage drivers that use a very limited subset of commands, sometimes with quirky interpretations/limitations of what can be returned. Rather a disconnect between MANDATORY/OPTIONAL commands, and MICROSOFT satiating behaviour. I can see where this would be frustrating for Open Source users who expect peripherals to do what the specification says they should do, rather than returning a rigid response that Microsoft drivers accept regardless of the input parameters, flags or options, which are supposedly mandatory.
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Associate III
Posted on September 14, 2011 at 19:45

I just thought I'd throw my .02 cents in:  This forum is so painful to use that the next time I am in the position to choose an ARM based MCU, there is a strong chance I will avoid the ST lineup.

ST ought to have these things, organized over their various products:

1) mailing list

2) wiki

3) forum

If done well (making old posts searchable and providing a nice web interface, something like google groups), a mailing list can eliminate the need for a forum, IMHO.  A wiki can serve as a nice place to put examples and tutorials.  It would be nice to see ST get with the times... but we'll see.  I think their first step should be to get rid of the hideous forum software they are using... use something like phpBB or one of the other numerous, well tested forum softwares that just work, do the basic things well, are fast and don't introduce a bunch of needless clutter that annoys you when trying to figure out your problem.

From: clive1

Posted: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 5:17 PM

Subject: USB_Host_Lib on STM32F107

On the plus side, posting works again today.  I think.

Yes, the thing seems to be in flux. With tweaks to address odd Firefox 6.x behaviour. Still occasionally getting the ''Microcontroller > STM32 > New Item'' issue where it loses track of what post I'm replying to, and whether I'm logged on. I'd expect it to either be transparently logging me in, or prompting.

It seems to be all part of the ''Microsoft disease''


Which one, the it'll work in 3.0, or that we'll keep releasing new versions, with new features, while not fixing all the bugs from before, and introducing new ones?

I think you mean the one where people hack their code so it's accepted by Microsoft's drivers and interpretation of the specifications. Certainly run into this with Mass-Storage drivers that use a very limited subset of commands, sometimes with quirky interpretations/limitations of what can be returned. Rather a disconnect between MANDATORY/OPTIONAL commands, and MICROSOFT satiating behaviour. I can see where this would be frustrating for Open Source users who expect peripherals to do what the specification says they should do, rather than returning a rigid response that Microsoft drivers accept regardless of the input parameters, flags or options, which are supposedly mandatory.