2018-01-25 2:44 AM
Hi all
I'm using stm32f745 with the CubeMX USB OTG Host library
I constantly send requests to another device.
But at one point I take one zeros
If you use full speed, then this problem does not arise
Similarly, if you add a printf('nak') to
static void HCD_HC_IN_IRQHandler (HCD_HandleTypeDef * hhcd, uint8_t chnum) {
if(hhcd->hc[chnum].ep_type == EP_TYPE_INTR)
{ __HAL_HCD_UNMASK_HALT_HC_INT(chnum); USB_HC_Halt(hhcd->Instance, chnum); } else if ((hhcd->hc[chnum].ep_type == EP_TYPE_CTRL)|| (hhcd->hc[chnum].ep_type == EP_TYPE_BULK)) { /* re-activate the channel */ tmpreg = USBx_HC(chnum)->HCCHAR; tmpreg &= ~USB_OTG_HCCHAR_CHDIS; tmpreg |= USB_OTG_HCCHAR_CHENA; USBx_HC(chnum)->HCCHAR = tmpreg; } hhcd->hc[chnum].state = HC_NAK; __HAL_HCD_CLEAR_HC_INT(chnum, USB_OTG_HCINT_NAK);printf('nak \r\n'); }}
the problem disappears
Help me please
2018-02-08 4:47 PM
I seem to be having the same or a similar problem and have narrowed down the issue to the area of code you highlighted.
During 'correct operation' of USB high speed host stack with an outstanding bulk read URB, if the device does not have any data, the channel is continually naked and immediately re-enabled by
as you have highlighted. However, at some point (and for me this happens almost immediately), the nak interrupts stop and the channel is hung with the CDC class stuck in the CDC_RECEIVE_DATA_WAIT state.
I have not tried your 'printf' workaround because what printf does depends a lot on the development environment. In my case, it is not safe to call printf from an interrupt handler.
I had a suspiciously similar problem with sending data, as described in this post:
2018-02-08 9:33 PM
Search the forum I found this other thread:
The suggested approach of completing the transaction at NAK solves two problems for me:
It's not an ideal solution because it requires modifying the code generated by CubeMX and because it doesn't address the cause of the hang, which might still be a latent bug.
This snippet gives an idea of the changes required instm32f7xx_hal_hcd.c which causeUSBH_CDC_ReceiveCallback (I'm using CDC) to be called with zero-length packet, at which point you can schedule another receive.
else if ((USBx_HC(chnum)->HCINT) & USB_OTG_HCINT_TXERR) { __HAL_HCD_UNMASK_HALT_HC_INT(chnum); hhcd->hc[chnum].ErrCnt++; hhcd->hc[chnum].state = HC_XACTERR; USB_HC_Halt(hhcd->Instance, chnum); __HAL_HCD_CLEAR_HC_INT(chnum, USB_OTG_HCINT_TXERR); }#if 1 // Workaround for bulk IN-NAK flood suggested here: // https://community.st.com/thread/31809 else if ((USBx_HC(chnum)->HCINT) & USB_OTG_HCINT_NAK && hhcd->hc[chnum].ep_type == EP_TYPE_BULK && hhcd->hc[chnum].ep_is_in) { __HAL_HCD_UNMASK_HALT_HC_INT(chnum); USB_HC_Halt(hhcd->Instance, chnum); hhcd->hc[chnum].state = HC_XFRC; hhcd->hc[chnum].ErrCnt = 0; __HAL_HCD_CLEAR_HC_INT(chnum, USB_OTG_HCINT_NAK); }#endif else if ((USBx_HC(chnum)->HCINT) & USB_OTG_HCINT_NAK)�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?