2009-11-17 1:34 AM
Usb endpoint
2011-05-17 4:29 AM
For school we need to create an application which can connect to a stm32f103 microcontroller. I've downloaded the usb hid test programs and tried the usb CUSTOM_HID project. The computer recognised the hid but the program is not realy working on my test board(olimex STM32-103STK).
So i wanted to create a simple endpoint which can send a bit to the computer but i don't understand what to put in the CustomHID_ReportDescriptor. Is there somewhere a description what all these items mean or can anyone give an example? An other thing is a program om the computer to test a hid device, is there a good application?2011-05-17 4:29 AM
I've got it working but i've got an endpoint with 2 bytes and i want to send for example text. I want to have a lager packet size. Where do i need to change that, cause when i change:
''0x02, /* wMaxPacketSize: 2 Bytes max */'' to 0x08 then i can't receive anymore.