2011-12-07 11:50 PM
Hi !
I need to implement an USB CDC Host on STM32F4 Controller. Has anyone an example, or some hints how to do that ? I only found examples for CDC Device applications. regards Marc2011-12-08 12:27 AM
Where do you want to use CDC example. what is your application??
2011-12-08 12:40 AM
The application with STM32F4 should act as USB host and receive data from a USB device. The USB device uses the CDC/ACM protocol.
2011-12-08 1:38 AM
I think ST has some plans to release host CDC example by next year Q1.
2011-12-08 5:54 AM
Hi Marc,
Where did you get the USB device library for the STM32F4XX?I can't find anything on the st website (download library and supporting documentation).Many thanks,Stephen.2011-12-08 6:14 AM
Hi Stephen,
I load''STM32F4DISCOVERY board firmware package, including 22 examples (covering USB Host, audio, MEMS accelerometer and microphone…) and preconfigured projects for 4 different IDEs''
from ST homepage. Marc2011-12-08 6:36 AM
Thanks Marc,
I had already seen this, but I was hoping to find a version that included some documentation on how the library pieces together.At the moment, I am trying to setup my STM32F4 as a HID device that send/receive FEATURE reports but no luck so far.2011-12-20 11:31 PM
Hi ST !
Is it right, that you plan to release an CDC Host example ? We need to implement an CDC Host very soon and want to use your STM32F4. Freescale has an example for Kinetis Controller, but I would prefer to do it with ST. We use STR912 at the moment and don't want to switch to another manufacturer. regard Marc2012-03-08 1:58 AM
Hi !
Has anyone an idea, how to implement a USB CDC Host function for the STM32F4 ?2013-12-19 10:14 AM
We are also very interested in an STM32F4 USB host example implementing CDC-ACM. ST staff, will there be any examples covering this? Does anyone have a working example they can share?