2014-05-21 4:06 PM
Hi All,
We are developing a product that we'd like to connect to a PC and an Android tablet. Using the ST USB-FS-Device-Lib as a guide we created a driver for the STM32L1152D eval board.It works perfectly on a PC. Enumerates as a CDC and Windows assigns a Com number and we can communicate as anticipated.Question is this: Does ST have a driver or example code that will run on an android device and allow our dev board to enumerate?As a parallel, FTDI supplies a very nice driver and example code that will allow a FTDI chip based solution to enumerate on a Android Tablet.Many Thanks!2014-05-22 12:09 AM
USB CDC is a USB protocol, not ST protocol.
You can use any CDC/ACM driver. There is an open source project on github: https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android2014-05-22 12:53 PM
Many thanks for your response.
>> You can use any CDC/ACM driver. I'd have thought so. It appears that some craft their driver to be specific to their hardware. The aforementioned FTDI driver being one case.Will pull down the project you mentioned and report back.2014-08-14 2:06 AM
Did you have any sucess with the driver from ?? best regard HÃ¥kan2014-09-15 4:22 AM
We have tried the USB Serial Library for Android at https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android. We use this library successfully for reading from many other USB devices, but it does not work with STM32.We set the library to select the CDC driver for STM32 but it does not receive any data. We then tried setting DTR true (a solution we have found works on Linux and OSX when trying to receive data from STM32) and we then receive data but it is a continuous stream of null bytes 0x00.Do you have a working example of the USB Serial Library for Android CDC driver working with the STM32 please?2015-01-12 6:55 PM
Here is the working example of the USB Serial Library for Android CDC driver working with the STM32. -> https://github.com/eric2036/usb-serial-for-androidIt is based on mik3y's usb-serial-for-android open source. I have forked it and added support for STM32 . I tested it for our wearable device that use STM32 F373CCT6 chipset. It works well !!Hope it will help you !!Thanks !