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USART3 initialization in stm32f103r8


#include "stm32f10x.h"

void usartSetup (void);

int SendChar ();

int main()








void usartSetup (void) 


RCC->APB1ENR = 0x00040000;

 RCC->APB2ENR = 0x0000000C;


GPIOB->CRH  = 0x00000900;

 USART3->BRR = 0x340;

 USART3->CR1 = 0x00002008;


int SendChar () 


 while (!(USART3->SR & 0x00000080));

  USART3->DR = '2';


I tried this simple program for USART3 communication, it doesnot work for me. I initialize the registers as same as USART1, is there any configuration i missed in above code, please point me out.


What's with the sock-puppet accounts?

Perhaps OR on clock signals rather than blind writing.

Document or comment the code so we know what pins and ports we're talking about, and you'll remember a week from now when you come back to the code.

Is anything else physically connected to the pins?

Can you use a scope to understand what's happening?

Can you use a debugger to check what registers are getting set too?

Consider that APB1 will clock at 36 rather than 72 MHz.

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