2013-05-02 10:16 AM
2013-05-03 04:53 AM
This is probably one of the libraries where you need to contact ST directly, via rep or FAE, and request it.
2013-05-06 05:46 AM
char SendMessageTO[23] = ''AT+CMGS=�?+6329425718276�?;
char SendMessageMESSAGE[150] = '' THIS IS A SAMPLE MESSAGE ''; uint8 DATA[173]; #define CR 13 #define LF 10 sendMessage(SendMessageTO, SendMessageMESSAGE); void sendMessage(char header[23], char message[150]) { for (int ctr=0;ctr<23;ctr++) { USART_SendData(USART1,(int)header[ctr] ); Delay(10); } USART_SendData(USART1,CR); Delay(10); USART_SendData(USART1,LF); Delay(10); Delay(1000); for (int ctr=0;ctr<150;ctr++) { USART_SendData(USART1,(int) message[ctr] ); } USART_SendData(USART1,CR); USART_SendData(USART1,LF); } void Delay(__IO uint32_t nCount) //in millisecond { nCount = nCount * 5940 *2;//381; while(nCount--) { } }2013-05-06 05:55 AM
2013-05-06 06:37 AM
Yeah, I'd probably look to using strlen(), and waiting on TXE before sending each byte, arbitrary delays are something you want to avoid.
2013-05-06 06:46 AM
2013-09-27 12:31 AM
Where can we contact ST for requesting this library?
2013-09-27 04:55 AM
Where can we contact ST for requesting this library?
Try your local ST rep or FAE, or the support request page on the web site.