2016-04-14 6:56 AM
Hi guys,
I am new to embedded word.I just started working with STM32vl discovery board using Keil uvision(MDK-ARM).I am not getting any example project for testing USART on board till now.Can any one provides me that same.Board details: STM32F100RBT6B2016-04-14 7:24 AM
Hi joshi.pallav.001,
I recommend you to have a look to the UART examples under the it may be helpful: STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32VL-Discovery\Examples\UART-Syrine –2016-04-14 7:29 AM
You can have a look to UART example available in STM32CubeF1 : STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32VL-Discovery\Examples\UARTAlso, you can get further information from the site.Regards2016-04-14 7:45 AM
I am new to embedded world.
Ok, but please understand that UART and LED questions are chronically recurring here. A brief search might yield some answers quickly.Geoff's book is also a very good resourcehttp://www.cs.indiana.edu/~geobrown/book.pdf