2009-10-01 01:35 AM
USART - Problem -> write DR Register
2011-05-17 04:25 AM
Hello together,
I have a problem to use the USART - Port of my STM3210C-EVAL Board. To start the USART the first time I use the ''USART_Polling'' example from the stm32f10x stdperiph library. But nothing happend the DR - Register was written..2011-05-17 04:25 AM
Clock, baudrate, status register, pin remapping, see anything on oscilloscope?
These are the things we can't do for you, and probably can't help without the info.2011-05-17 04:25 AM
... now it works!
The problem was the Compiler. I use GCC verion 3.4.1, I set the optmizing level from 0 to level 2 and it works...2011-05-17 04:25 AM
The problem was the Compiler.
That's rather a serious accusation - Are you sure? In most cases where changing the optimisation level apparently ''fixes'' a bug, it is the source code that is flawed - and the most common flaw is probably failure to use the volatile keyword correctly...