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USART interrupt problem

Associate III
Posted on January 07, 2015 at 15:31

Why stm32f030 not get received interrupt for the third time ....when it get it for the two times........stm32f407 is sending the 3 packet 2 packet it is receiving fine but the third packet it is not receiving ...I have confirmaed that stm32f407 is sending the 3rd packet but the f030 doesn't received it is always in the while loop.....? what may be the reason ....? Any idea...?

Posted on January 07, 2015 at 16:11

If it's not receiving the data, and signalling a RXNE then it won't generate an interrupt.

Identify what the status register indicates, perhaps a framing or parity issue, or if you read the data register (in the debug view, or in your code) which would clear a pending RXNE status.

Create a small, concise, complete example that exhibits the problem.
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