2008-09-18 3:32 AM
USART at 5 baud?
2011-05-17 3:45 AM
I'm trying to write a byte at 5 baud before switching quickly back to 10400 baud to receive. USART 1 with a 72MHz clock won't go much below 1000 baud. Any ideas what set up I could use?
2011-05-17 3:45 AM
At that speed (or lack thereof!), couldn't you just bit-bang it?! 8-)
2011-05-17 3:45 AM
Yep, I'll have to if no one can come up with the USART solution.
2011-05-17 3:45 AM
If SYSCLK = 72 MHz: AHB Prescaler = 8, APB Prescaler = 16 => min. baud rate ~ 4,3.
But of course your cpu clock is only 9 MHz…