2013-02-06 01:43 AM
I've a problem with my STM3240G-Eval board and my development tool chain. I use Atollic or Keil �Vision demo. When I want debug my program or ST examples, the development software send me ''Old ST-LINK firmware detected. Do you want to upgrade it?''Then it opens the ST-Link Upgrade windows and when I click on Device Connect, the software send me ''ST-Link is not in the DFU mode. Please restart it.''The problem is the same if I open directly STM32 ST-LINK Utility and I try the upgrade without Atollic debug.But I don't know how to turn into the DFU mode, and where find the latest firmware.Thanks in advance.FlorianFranceConfig : STM3240G-EVAL not modified, USB cable between ST-LINK/V2 port and PC and/or USB-OTG-FS cable between board and PC, external power supply. #stm3240g-eval #upgrade #lmgtfy2013-02-06 02:39 AM
and where find the latest firmware.
Googled ST-LINK V2, picked ''Design Resources'', bingo
Try also most current drivershttp://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/SW_DRIVER/st-link_v2_usbdriver.zip
2013-02-06 03:45 AM
Thank you Clive1.
But now, I've always the same problem when I click on ''Device Connect''. The software send me ''ST-Link is not in the DFU mode. Please restart it.'' But I tried to push the reset button,to select a different configuration with BOOT0 and BOOT1 switch... But same problem.I don't understand which configuration I have to put.Also, I have only the USB cable supplied with the card, I have no the case like the photo of the ST-LINK. Is it a problem?2013-07-01 02:07 AM
2013-07-01 03:27 AM
And this impacts entering DFU mode in the System Loader via BOOT0=High, how exactly?
2014-08-01 01:11 PM
I just purchased a DiscoveryF407 and had the same problem.
I removed the ST-LINK DISCOVERY switches, and then it worked OK and upgraded to V2.J21.S0