2011-09-19 9:09 AM
I tried to flash an stm32w108 with JLINK but i get an error: Error: Wrong AHB ID (15:3). Expected 0x04770001 (Mask 0x0FFFFFCF), Found 0x00000000 i want to know how could I solve this problem. Sure my microcontroler is locked so how could I make the internal flash memory read unprotected? and what's the source of this problem? I think it's a hardware problem. In my board, I connected: - NRST to a bottun that connect it to GND. -all VDD and GND are connected, even VDDA (related the ADC) -SWCLK -PC4 related to JTMS -PA4, PA6 and PA7 connected as outputs. waiting for your answers. thanks :(2011-09-19 11:51 AM
Well it's more probable you are putting the device to sleep, or otherwise preventing the JTAG from breaking in during reset.
You could play with the J-Link reset method options. You could try changing the BOOTx pins so the device starts in the system rom rather than your user code. You could also presumably try the serial mode connectivity, if the device permits such access. The ROP does not preclude the use of JTAG on STM32F1 devices.