2017-07-14 12:55 PM
I've uploaded STM32CubeMX to 4.22.0 version and the firmware for F1 family to 1.6.0 version. I used Cube software to update the HAL libraries in my project and since then I'm unable to correctly debug my board.
The error reported is:
Error: address + size wrapped(0xffffffff, 0x00000004)
Error: address + size wrapped(0xffffffff, 0x00000002)I checked the .elf file size and it's 1.129.552 bytes. What can I do?
#stm32f1-debug-problem2017-07-14 2:35 PM
The size of the .ELF isn't a useful metric, it contains a lot of crap that doesn't go into the part. Review the .MAP file.
Consider defining your compilation tools, no idea of the context for this message.
2017-07-14 4:59 PM
Output.map's size is 432.068 bytes.
You can see my tool chain editor in the pic below:
2017-07-14 5:22 PM
Not the size the content!
2017-07-15 4:26 AM
While troubleshooting online I saw other people had the same issue, and this is because the binary file size is greater than 10.164 bytes; mine is 15.132 bytes. I think this is due to the new firmware version so I'll just stick to the older version if nothing can be done to overcome this issue, even if I'd prefer to work with the newer tools.
Regarding the .map file, there're 5217 lines and I'm still a newbie so I don't know what to check exactly.
Other infos I forgot to mention: I work with SWSTM32 and my debugger is ST-Link/V2 isol.