2010-11-23 6:23 AM
UM0462 Flash loader demonstrator - Where?
2011-05-17 5:15 AM
Design Support -> SW DEMOS (Bottom end of page) http://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/SW_DEMO/um0462.zip2011-05-17 5:15 AM
Thankyou. I'm still getting to grips with the new pages.
2013-03-05 1:32 PM
clive1, I'm looking at the version history for version 2.5.0 and would like to learn a little more about the following items:
+ Fix of RTS and DTR Outputs control in Command line version + Fix of writing extra bytes at end of flash pagesCould you (or someone else) clarify or further explain these particular fixes?2013-03-05 3:19 PM
I don't work for ST, and have no responsibility for this code. Suggest you diff/merge available sources to understand the code changes as they relate to you.
The changes relate to the demonstrator app, not issues with the ROM based system loader. RTS/DTR probably relate to RS232 control pins, and there application to test fixture control signals. The flash overwrite could well relate to Intel/Motorola HEX processing and a mis-estimation of data length.