2017-03-24 9:44 AM
In RM0090 section 18.3.15 Timer synchronization all the master/slave examples use timers 1 and 2. Can only adjacent timers be used in master/slave modes, must the lower number be the master? I don't see where the coupled timer is specified.
2017-03-24 4:28 PM
No, this has nothing to do with the timers numbers. There's a table in the TIMx_SMCR register description in the timer chapters in RMs. I've made a document back then summing up this and other timer features for the original F4xx (www.efton.sk/STM32/STM32F4xx%20misc.pdf , page 3 ), should be good for F2xx and roughly good for other F4/F7 where it needs to be rechecked. In some families' RMs there is a 'what connects to what' chapter containing not only timers' connections.