2013-07-20 2:52 AM
Hello every one!
I am using MicroXplorer to config timer 6 and timer 7, projrect with devide stm32f407vg. But I can't see it any where!!!When I creat new project, I have timer from timer 1 to 5 and from 8 to 14. But timer 6 and 7 don't have in my project!!!Can you explain how I can config the timer 6 and 7 by MicroXplorer?Sorry for my English...Best regards2013-07-20 6:28 PM
Help me please!!
2013-07-20 6:57 PM
Help you do what exactly?
TIM6 and TIM7 don't have pin outputs, thus you're never going to be able to select pin associations in MicroXplorer for them. Simply write your own code to initialize these timers in the fashion you require.2013-07-21 12:48 AM