2009-11-13 3:06 AM
TIM3 and I2C1
2011-05-17 4:29 AM
We are using STM32101R6T6 We have a probleme when we want to use TIM3 channel 2 and I2C1 in the same time. The objective is to have a signal PWM on the PB5 and use TIM3 , I2C in the same time. The problem is : when i active the clock of I2C ( on the APB1)==> the PWM on PB5 isn't PWM anymore. When I2C1 clock is inactive==> the PWM on PB5 is present. The datasheet of R6 said : PB5= I2C_SMBAI ( Alternate functions defaut) and PB5= TIM3_CH2/SPI_MOSI ( Alternate functions Remap). And i'm sure that the remap was done. Are there any problem when we want to use like this? why was the pwm lost? Does somone know the problem? Thank all very much,2011-05-17 4:29 AM
Check errata sheet, chapter 2.4.5:
Workaround To avoid this conflict, TIM3_CH2 can only be used in input mode.2011-05-17 4:29 AM
Oh, i saw it.
Thx you very much