2012-10-11 12:48 AM
Good morning, i'm working with a stm32F0-Discovery board (cortex M0), i need to change the PWM pin from PA8 (using TIM1) to PC8 (using TIM3), but there is a problem because it works wrong.
In the following codes i highlight the changed linesthe working code (with TIM1/PA8) is the ''START CODE'' attached fileand the chaged code is ''NEW CODE'' attached file.The effect is that if i press the user button (PA0), then on PC8 pin i see a PWM with about 95% dutycyle, and if PA0 is not pressed then there are nothing on PC8 pin.Can you help me please?2012-10-11 4:30 PM
PC8 is TIM3_CH3, you need to be programming it as Channel 3, not channel 1
I'm not sure how the DAC1 was paced on TIM1 in the original.2012-10-12 1:40 AM
thanks clive