2008-06-16 3:43 AM
TIM_OCMode? which one to use?
2011-05-17 3:37 AM
I am newbie trying with STM32 timer. Can any one explain or tell me where can i find information on the different between following timer mode? Table 476. TIM_OCMode definition TIM_OCMode_Timing: TIM Output Compare Timing mode. TIM_OCMode_Active: TIM Output Compare Active mode. TIM_OCMode_Inactive: TIM Output Compare Inactive mode. TIM_OCMode_Toggle: TIM Output Compare Toggle mode. TIM_OCMode_PWM1: TIM Pulse Width Modulation mode1. TIM_OCMode_PWM2: TIM Pulse Width Modulation mode2. Many Thanks2011-05-17 3:37 AM