2022-05-12 7:30 AM
I am trying to use the tickless functionality on my Nucleo-U575ZI-Q board. I am using tx_low_power example available in cube ide.
I tried to modify the example. I created one thread which toggles the led and then I called tx_thread_sleep(100) and the HAL_DELAY(100).
As per my understanding, cpu should go to sleep mode when tx_thread_sleep is called and should exit the sleep mode when HAL_DELAY is called.
But it is simply not working. Is there any working sample example of tickless idle with two threadx which I can run without any modication and it should use tx_thread_sleep function.
best regards
Nilesh Vora
2022-05-19 12:57 AM
Hello @nilesh-dryad ,
I will try to help you through this issue ;) .
First can you help me to understand your problem by providing me more information:
Best Regards,
2022-05-19 8:55 AM
Hello @Aime
Thank you for you reply.
I am using STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0. and I am using STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32U5 Series version 1.1.0. I am using tx_low_power example from Example Selector for my Nucleo-U575ZI-Q board.
I am using tx_thread_sleep function to go into sleep mode and HAL_DELAY function to wake up from Sleep mode.
Let me know if you need more detail, I would be happy to provide.
Best Regards
Nileshkumar Vora