2018-03-15 8:06 AM
we have some temperature problems with STM32F429 (BGA) controller boards. If the temp. exceeds by some boards 40°C, and other boards at 60°C the internal voltage regulator shut down, measured at VCap1 & 2. Every temperature between 35°C and 80°C is possible. The shutdown temperature does not change, it remains fixed. Most controller don't have any problems, they functure with temp. over 80°C.
Any idea? What can I do?
BR Marc
2018-03-15 8:41 AM
What code do you run on it? Is there any powerdown mode invoked by the code? If yes, does the problem occur also when running a trivial code without powerdown?
Can't be related to BYPASS_REG's connection? Which BGA in particular?
2018-03-15 8:57 AM
Hello Jan,
the controller is in normal mode, without a powerdown function. The software is for every board the same, only some controller boards have the temp. failure. I see that the BYPASS_REG Pin is open
Could this the reason that some boards don't have any problems, and other make trouble?
BR Marc
2018-03-15 1:43 PM
Certainly yes.
2018-03-16 4:40 AM
Hello Jan,
I drill a hole in the backside of the PCB and connect the ball of the BGA with a wire to GND.
That helps, the internal regulator works also with higher temperatures!
Thanks for your help!
BR Marc
2018-03-16 5:34 AM
Sounds like lots of fun! :D