2008-05-12 2:07 AM
swd problem ith IAR EW5.0 kikstart
2011-05-17 3:34 AM
I'm new to STM32, but I worked before with ARM7 I want to use JLink as SWD, however it doesn't work with IAR EW5.0 kickstart (see error messages below) It does work as JTAG. How to fix it? Jan Sat May 10 14:55:10 2008: DLL version: V3.80c, compiled Apr 9 2008 18:56:00 Sat May 10 14:55:10 2008: Firmware: J-Link compiled Feb 20 2006 18:20:20 -- Update -- Sat May 10 14:55:10 2008: Fatal error: SWD is not supported by connected emulator. Session aborted! Sat May 10 14:55:14 2008: Failed to load flash loader: C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 5.0 Kickstart\ARM\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F10x.out2011-05-17 3:34 AM
What J-Link probe have you got ? Are you sure that you have a new J-Link probe with the word ''SWD'' written on it ? http://www.iar.com/website1/ If the probe is older, it will not support SWD, but it looks the same. Not sure if just a firmware upgrade is possible to solve this I'm using IAR EWARM 5.11 and their probe and it works OK.2011-05-17 3:34 AM
Hi Arm_Wrestler, (not one of my skills...)
Would you be so good as to run JLink Commander and share with the forum what software version you have? I have ver V380C - which I downloaded from Segger site a month ago. We immediately noted substantially FASTER code downloads via Jtag! This SAVES hours during our code development... (when compared to earlier versions) If I ''missed'' forum entries - forgive me - it would be useful if you would share the performance and usage trade-offs between JTAG and SWD. (most know the signal savings with SWD) I also have EWARM 5.11 & JLink.2011-05-17 3:34 AM
On 11-05-2008 at 11:58, Anonymous wrote: Janek, What J-Link probe have you got ? Are you sure that you have a new J-Link probe with the word ''SWD'' written on it ? http://www.iar.com/website1/ If the probe is older, it will not support SWD, but it looks the same. Not sure if just a firmware upgrade is possible to solve this I'm using IAR EWARM 5.11 and their probe and it works OK. Hi Arm_Wrestler, My J-Link is a 2006 version. Are you sure that a $300 piece is useless after only 2 years? The hardware part of it is worth about $10. I already contacted Segger hoping to get answers. Jan2011-05-17 3:34 AM
It will have to wait till tomorrow when I'm back in the dungeon-lab. Its sunny and 25'C here and I'm going out for a Sunday Lunch Barbie ! Are you saying you got faster SWD performance with the new firmware, or multi-pin JTAG is much faster than 2 pin SWD ? I was forced to go the SWD route as I used up so many pins on my STM32 chip. If the performance is much slower than JTAG I'll have to live with it I'm afraid. Thanks for the tips. Julian2011-05-17 3:34 AM
I have 2 Jlinks, 1 is new and one is 2 years old. The older one does not support SWD. I'll post all my h/w s/w f/w versions tomorrow, all my dev kit is in the lab but I hope to be working from home soon for some s/w dev & some peace & quiet.2011-05-17 3:34 AM
2011-05-17 3:34 AM
On 11-05-2008 at 16:16, Anonymous wrote: Hi, Jlink version 6.xx supports SWD and near the JTAG connector there is a label JTAG v SWD as shown here : Please refer to : Cheers, STOne-32 Hi, Thanks everyone for the clarification. Another question is: What software / hardware tools support SWD? So far I know IAR and a new J-Link does. As I will need another JTAG/SWD debugger hardware, which ones support SWD? Jan2011-05-17 3:34 AM
My old j-link
Firmware: J-Link compiled Feb 20 2006 18:20:20 -- Update -- Hardware V4.30 New j-link that supports SWD Firmware: J-Link compiled Apr 9 2008 18:04:42 Hardware V6.00 Unfortunately j-link commander automatically updated my new j-link to the latest firmware version before I could read the old version. I presume it will run faster