2008-05-12 2:07 AM
swd problem ith IAR EW5.0 kikstart
2011-05-17 3:34 AM
hi/thank you Arm_Wrestler,
Trust you've recovered from 25C/Sunny and are nicely ensconced en L'dungeon... Whoops - I failed to alert you to the automatic update feature of ''JLink Commander.'' We noted substantially faster code downloads under IAR after updating. Minimum 3-5 seconds SAVINGS per EACH 32KB download (may even be greater under some circumstances) Sorry but we designed a cpld to prevent ''Jtag encroachment.'' Provides/unburdens STM32 from ''nuisance'' functions and enhances our hook-up to Color & Mono Graphic Lcds. We have used SWD - that engineer is is Asia right now. Thanks again your fast/complete update. The Jtag method seems robust, simple and the time-savings is most welcome... [ This message was edited by: jj.sprague on 12-05-2008 14:39 ]