2008-12-15 6:40 PM
2011-05-17 3:56 AM
I want to compile IOToggle example project. But the error struct '''' has no field ''Enable'' is appear. I use STM32 FirmWare Lib, why i still encounter this error. Can the example program be wrong ? Thanks..2011-05-17 3:56 AM
Review the ''read me'' file that is included w/in this project. Be sure that you've included all of the files mentioned in the read me.
If this is the 1st project you've tried - try another. A similarity of errors should help you build a solution.2011-05-17 3:56 AM
struct ''<unnamed>'' has no field ''Enable''
You get this error when you're trying to use an example written for one version of the FWLib with an incompatible version of the FWLib. Some of the examples as distributed by Keil have this problem. Where did you get your example from? [ This message was edited by: st7 on 15-12-2008 19:19 ]2011-05-17 3:56 AM
I found another version of IOToggle example. And it works.