2017-02-08 02:29 AM
Hi ! I am using an STM32l0xx and I have some questions about stop mode. First can I choose by software which exti line are going to wake up the STM. Then can I have a timer interrupt each minute for example but only wake up the STM each 60 minutes, I do
#low-power-stop-mode #stm32l02017-03-15 02:51 PM
You can do this by using the RTC in stop mode. There is an example in the STM32 Cube library.
2017-03-16 03:11 AM
I suggest you to have a look to this example under the STM32CubeL0 firmware package:
It shows how to enter Stop mode and wake up from this mode by using the RTC wakeup timer event connected to an interrupt.Imen