2015-08-28 10:50 PM
please helpe me for this problem: we program stm32f103 using IARand I wants makes a signal using TIM2 but micro works for one time after
programming after turn off power other dont work and stop out signal that made of TIM2
I dont know this problem please guide me.
thank so much
2015-08-29 12:15 AM
Try to step by step with debugger and verify that your MCU runs OK, and not stuck in infinite loop.
2015-08-29 5:55 AM
Not really sure I understand what the question is, it's very hard to decipher.
Do you want one pulse, or a stream of pulses?Are you using PWM mode? Programming the width as zero will turn it off, and will disabling the timer.Perhaps you can show what code you have now,and diagram the pulse you want, and the one you're observing currently?