2016-09-08 4:15 AM
Hello All,
Is it possible for the STM7x family to drive PWM outputs - specifically here TIM1 and TIM8 - in Low Power Mode?Thanks,John W. #stmf7-lp-pwm2016-09-08 6:43 AM
Yes, It is possible to drive PWM outputs.You can refer to the for more details and section ''25 Advanced-control timers (TIM1/TIM8)''.Regards2016-09-09 12:24 AM
Yes, and, where, specifically, is the discussion about running PWM in low power mode?
I see in chapter 29 - the LPTIM can be run in PWM mode; but what about TIM1/TIM8?Hence the original question. Thanks,John W.2016-09-09 1:37 AM
Specify ''low power mode'' first.
As long as there is power and clock supplied to timers, they work. There is nothing ''low-power-specific'' in the PWM modes of Timer. Review Table 12. Low-power mode summary in RM0385 rev.2. Note the RCC_APBxLPENR registers in RCC. JW