2021-11-30 12:38 AM
In STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.12.1 the function HAL_SPI_Transmit() increase buffer point per sizeof(uint16_t) when sending data in 8 bits mode; this lead to 1 byte every 2 bytes not being send out. See the below snippet from HAL_SPI_Transmit()
/* Transmit data in 16 Bit mode */
if (hspi->Init.DataSize > SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT)
if ((hspi->Init.Mode == SPI_MODE_SLAVE) || (initial_TxXferCount == 0x01U))
hspi->Instance->DR = *((uint16_t *)hspi->pTxBuffPtr);
hspi->pTxBuffPtr += sizeof(uint16_t);
/* Transmit data in 16 Bit mode */
while (hspi->TxXferCount > 0U)
/* Wait until TXE flag is set to send data */
hspi->Instance->DR = *((uint16_t *)hspi->pTxBuffPtr);
hspi->pTxBuffPtr += sizeof(uint16_t);
/* Timeout management */
if ((((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) >= Timeout) && (Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)) || (Timeout == 0U))
errorcode = HAL_TIMEOUT;
goto error;
/* Transmit data in 8 Bit mode */
if ((hspi->Init.Mode == SPI_MODE_SLAVE) || (initial_TxXferCount == 0x01U))
if (hspi->TxXferCount > 1U)
/* write on the data register in packing mode */
hspi->Instance->DR = *((uint16_t *)hspi->pTxBuffPtr);
hspi->pTxBuffPtr += sizeof(uint16_t);
hspi->TxXferCount -= 2U;
*((__IO uint8_t *)&hspi->Instance->DR) = (*hspi->pTxBuffPtr);
hspi->pTxBuffPtr ++;
while (hspi->TxXferCount > 0U)
/* Wait until TXE flag is set to send data */
if (hspi->TxXferCount > 1U)
/* write on the data register in packing mode */
hspi->Instance->DR = *((uint16_t *)hspi->pTxBuffPtr);
hspi->pTxBuffPtr += sizeof(uint16_t);
hspi->TxXferCount -= 2U;
*((__IO uint8_t *)&hspi->Instance->DR) = (*hspi->pTxBuffPtr);
/* Timeout management */
if ((((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) >= Timeout) && (Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)) || (Timeout == 0U))
errorcode = HAL_TIMEOUT;
goto error;
See lines 39-41 and 58-60 above. The lines 64-66 seems correct (they handle the case when 1 byte remain in the buffer)
It seems HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() is affected the same way.
This being said, I have correct this in my project, but of course the file gets overwritten every time i "generate code" from MX. What's the best way to avoid this ? To make the correction in the file inside the STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.12.1 "repository" that is used by MX ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-11-30 1:52 PM
> hspi->Instance->DR = *((uint16_t *)hspi->pTxBuffPtr);
> hspi->pTxBuffPtr += sizeof(uint16_t);
This is called data packing. It writes two bytes at the same time into the TXFIFO and increments the pointer by 2. It only does this when there are 2+ bytes to send and when there is room in the TXFIFO. I do not see a bug here.
2021-11-30 1:52 PM
> hspi->Instance->DR = *((uint16_t *)hspi->pTxBuffPtr);
> hspi->pTxBuffPtr += sizeof(uint16_t);
This is called data packing. It writes two bytes at the same time into the TXFIFO and increments the pointer by 2. It only does this when there are 2+ bytes to send and when there is room in the TXFIFO. I do not see a bug here.
2021-11-30 11:23 PM
Thanks a lot for your answer. You are correct, my problem was somewhere else.
I would have expect the FIFO to be filled by consequent 8 bits write to the DR registers but indeed I now see the reference to "data packing".
As a side note, any pointer where i could find a datasheet about the SPI peripheral of the STM32WB family ? All i could find is a power point presentation (https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/training/technical/product_training/group0/34/7d/28/20/b4/bc/47/69/STM32WB-Peripheral-Serial-Peripheral-interface-SPI/files/STM32WB-Peripheral-Serial-Peripheral-interface-SPI.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.STM32WB-Peripheral-Serial-Peripheral-interface-SPI.pd...)
Wish you a nice day,
2021-12-01 6:35 AM
> As a side note, any pointer where i could find a datasheet about the SPI peripheral of the STM32WB family ?
The reference manual (not the datasheet) is the best source of information on how the chip works and will include details on the SPI peripheral:
2021-12-01 6:39 AM
Thanks a lot, that's the document i was indeed looking for.
Sorry for looking dumb ... i'm coming from the low end 8/16 bits world where C is just another way to write assembler :)
2021-12-01 6:48 AM
No need to apologize. As long as you post well written question, I'm happy to answer them.
The reference manual / datasheet difference often trips up new users.