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STM32U5F display resolution



I read the AN4861 and try to determine the max LCD resolution for a STM32U5F without using external RAM. The lowest color is 16 bit, RGB656. 

I would like to use 1366*768, which should be 1049088 pixel, this should approx 1.9MB for the framebuffer. 


Would this work ?


Bandwidth should be fine, DSI 2-Lane was one of the constraints to 1.1 - 1.2 Mpixel ceiling

Generally you'd prefer to have two frame buffers so there's less disruption / tearing due to you painting into an active buffer

62.5 MHz -> 1366x768 at 60 Hz

Frame buffer a little over 2MB

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thanks for the fast answer.


I thought the bandwith should be fine, but i would like to use LTDC with a RGB interface and not DSI. which should work too, or ?

For me would 50Hz be fine too. 


The STM32U5F has 3MB RAM, which should be ok, if i get the datasheet right the LTDC can work with different RAM banks as the larger banks are only 800kB.