2024-04-18 08:00 AM
I'm new to using the Nucleo environment
I am not seeing any activity on the PB10 and PB11 when using the SMBUS_TwoBoards_ComIT_Master example, when looking at those pins on a scope. I only have one board currently.
- Board: NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q (embeds a STM32U575ZITxQ device)
- SCL Pin: PB.10 (CN10, D36)
- SDA Pin: PB.11 (CN10, D35)
I can see CN10, but here can I see a definitive description of where D36 and D35 are on the board.
Also, the next stage is to read some registers in an BMS chip. Can I use HAL_SMBUS_Master_Transmit_IT() to read a value register value in my slave device?