2017-12-06 4:15 AM
I am trying to program software for the STM32L496VE MCU with the Keil ARM-MDK 5 IDE. But unfortunatly the Device I am using is not included in the latest Device Feature Pack (Keil::STM32L4xx_DFP). A screenshot of the available devices in the DFP is attached.
As a workaround I have tryed to select the
STM32L496VG device (the only difference should be the available flash memory of 1M instead of 512k). I changed the flash memory size in the Tatget settings (changed IROM1 size to 0x8000) and in the Debug Settings. But even then it was not possible to program the controller. The communication via SWD is working, it starts to program but at the end a failure is shown (Error: Flash Download failed - 'Cortex-M4'). I am using a Keil ULINK-ME debugger.
Is there any solution to the problem?
Thank you in advance.
2017-12-06 4:30 AM
Asking Keil ?
They need some time to integrate new parts in their IDE, and depend on the vendor for information.
2017-12-06 7:40 AM
But why does it report the ULINK is failing? Do you have a suitable flash algorithm selected? Does it not connect? Does the verify fail?
2017-12-06 11:14 PM
I selected the 1 M version of the MCU, because that version was available in the STM32L4 DFP, and reduced the flash memory size in the Flash settings. But only the 'STM32L4xx 1 M Flash' algorithm is available in the list of programming algorithms.
For testing purpose I also tried to flash a hex file, that was built for the STM32L496VG (The one with 1 M), with a ST-
debugger and the ST-LINK Utility. That was working. The flash process was successful and the program is running.But for development purposes I need to debug the program with Keil.
2017-12-07 5:34 AM
So can't you just use the ST-LINK pod in Keil?
The die in your part likely has 1MB of FLASH, I'd expect the algorithm to work, seemed to with the ST-LINK.