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STM32L476 USB Hardware for custom application


Hi ST,

Using the STM32L476 for a custom battery-operated application, on trying to implement the USB 2.0 through a type C receptable, I need clarity on the connections of the USB.

AFAIK the VBUS sensing on PA9 should be connected through a resistor divider to reduce the voltage to a safe level when the MCU is not powered. My doubts are
1. Can I power the MCU from the VBUS using the VDDUSB (only USB peripheral working is needed) or should I connect both the VDD and VDDUSB so that the MCU should be powered ON and the USB peripheral won't work with only the VDDUSB connected to the VBUS.

2. How much does the USB peripheral and the MCU both consume during startup considering VBUS can only supply 500mA.

3. Can VBUS be 3.3V or will it be only 5V

4. Recommended Specs for voltage regulator if VBUS is 5V