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STM32L432KB flashes correctly, but debugging works sporadically


I have an STM32L432KB that I'm trying to use with STM32CubeIDE and an ST-LINK v3. It is on a small board, and the onboard hardware peripherals connected to the MCU are:

  1.    USB-C connector to dedicated USB pins.
  2.    Quad-SPI flash storage chip
  3.    I2S audio chip

The debugger is connected to:

  1.    Vcc
  2.    GND
  3.    RST
  4.    SWCLK
  5.    SWDIO

I haven't tried to see if the peripherals work yet because I'm just trying to get it debugging reliably. About 1 time out of 10 tries, it will break on main correctly, allow me to step through for a while, then usually will lose connection. When it loses connection, it usually loses it around


or sometimes


The other 9 out of 10 times, it does not break at all. When this happens, the IDE automatically opens a tab right after debugging begins and switches to the file called


but it does not break on any line in this file, except that this line is always highlighted for some reason:

 ldr sp, =_estack  /* Set stack pointer */

If I pause execution, it will open yet another tab with the name of a memory address, for example:


and has the message:

Break at address "0x1fff133c" with no debug information available, or outside of program code.

So the program seems to have gone off into never-never land, assuming the debugger is reporting things accurately.

Note that if I just flash the board and run some code I've written to print serial messages via the USB CDC driver, it works fine. I just cannot figure out why I'm having these debugging issues.

Other details:

  • I had to fit it on a very small board, so I decided to forego a crystal and use the clock recovery system via USB, since my device will always be plugged into USB when in use.
  • HAL_Delay() also seems to give accurate delays, but it's not clear to me if its timebase comes from the USB CRS or the internal oscillator.
  • I've also gotten the I2S output from SAI1B to work




Accepted Solutions

Make sure PH3/BOOT0 is pulled low externally, or you adjust Option Bytes

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Make sure PH3/BOOT0 is pulled low externally, or you adjust Option Bytes

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Worked perfectly. Thank you so much!