2016-08-07 9:14 PM
I am using USART interface - Rx as Interrupt and am configuring the Rx as 1-byte receive interrupts.Is there a way by which, this interface can be configured explicitly as a wake-up source like we get the interrupts on the GPIOs configured as interrupts ?Thanks,Sunny #stm32l4 #wakeup #usart2016-08-09 5:38 AM
Hi bhayani.sunny
,You should,
check the reference manual of the STM32L4 (RM035)1. In 36.5.17 section “Wakeup from Stop mode using USART�, it is mentioned how the USART can wakeup from stop mode and the configuration that should be done on both RCC and USART peripherals.I recommend also the “UART_WakeUpFromStop� example in
at this path: STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.5.0\Projects\STM32L432KC-Nucleo\Examples\UART\UART_WakeUpFromStop-Hannibal-
2016-08-18 9:47 PM
Hi Hannibal,
Thank you for the reply.I referred the code that you have mentioned.But, I am trying to enter SLEEP mode, and from that, I am missing UART bytes. I observed that, most of the times, I am missing 2nd byte in the UART when the system is in SLEEP.Can you please give pointers for the same.I checked the HAL files for UART, but I did not see API's for SLEEP mode (STOP mode API's are present).Thanks,Sunny