2018-06-13 6:57 AM
How to make my STM32L4 to support eMMC device ? I run the code cube_FW_L4_V1.12.0 on my board then it failed on the cmd55 at SD_PowerON stage.
The eMMC chip is the 'KingSton eMMC04G-M627 eMMC' 4GB.
Any idea . Thanks
2018-06-13 7:02 AM
>>How to make my STM32L4 to support eMMC device ?
I'm accepting reasonable offers for my time/expertise.
Define the specific model of L4 you are using, and the connectivity of the SDMMC pins, and a USART you are using for debug output/telemetry.
2018-06-13 7:44 AM
I am using the the STM32L4R5QG chip and connect the eMMC chip to the SDMMC1 same as the STML4-DISCO board.
The CMD8 return me error 4 the (CommandTimeout) so it goes to define the 'hsd->SdCard.CardVersion = CARD_V1_X '
And then CMD55 also return error 4 (CommandTimeOut) then it return 'HAL_SD_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE' .
2018-06-13 10:43 AM
Which USART and pins? Support for SWV via PB3?
2018-07-05 4:07 PM
I have these board from
? working on NUCLEO-L4R5ZI and NUCLEO-L496ZG boards2019-02-08 6:23 AM
I'm currently working on the same boards and I was looking forward to make eMMC work with it.
Do you manage to make it work ?
2019-02-08 8:23 AM
Yes, I have working eMMC support ported to multiple STM32 platforms.
2019-02-08 9:17 AM
Do you bother to send me an exemple of your code ?
I tried to port F4 HAL MMC file to L4 but it didn't work at first try.
I would really appreciate a little bit of help :)
2019-02-08 10:04 AM
Which board specifically, I mentioned two? Four or Eight bit implementation?
Which makes/models of eMMC are you using?
I can provide a demo application in .HEX format, source code is only available to clients. Contact details in profile.
2019-02-08 10:12 AM
I think this is a reasonably current 4-bit eMMC build for the NUCLEO-L4R5ZI
Outputs diagnostic via ST-LINK VCP at 115200 8N1