2015-09-04 08:17 AM
Based on the STM32L4 datasheet the maximum QSPI clock is 48MHZ, but the clock used for the cube examples is 80MHZ. should I reduce the clock to 40MHZ? I'm using the Spansion S25FL127S memory in my custom board with the STM32L476VG, and testing it with the examples code of STM32L4 discovery board, buit its not working. The code for Micron memory can't be used for the Spansion memory?Ari.2015-09-04 10:05 AM
1/You are right, based on STM32L4 datasheet, Quad SPI max clock frequency is 48 MHz, so you can change the Quad SPI ClockPrescaler.Thank you for the suggestion! I will forward this to our team.2/The code for Micron memory can't be used for the Spansion memory?If you want to use the Quad SPI example code of STM32L4 discovery board which use the N25Q128A13EF840E Micron memory, open the main.h file, try to compare the Command Definitions of the Micron memory with your Spansion memory, then make the necessary changes.-Syrine –2015-09-07 05:48 AM
Hi Ari,
Your reported issue is confirmed by our team and will be fixed in coming release of the STM32cubeL4 package.Thank you very much for your contribution to the enhancement of our STM32 related solutions.-Syrine –