2014-02-17 6:18 PM
In RM0038 Table 66 (page 379) the Internal trigger connections (ITR) has no entry for TIM5.
There's no text describing any functional differences for TIM5 over TIM[234] with respect to these ITR connections, nor does the StdPeriph library reject setting those values, nor does the device-specific . Does anyone know if there are any such connections? The following forum thread (for STM32F2xx)/ca09bc80
gives me hope that it is an omission. #stm32l1 #tim5 #trigger #tim2014-02-17 8:58 PM
OK - now I'm just documenting for ST - I wrote a little test to take a look and here's the results:
TIM5 ITR0 = TIM2 ITR1 = TIM3 ITR2 = TIM4 ITR3 = Unknown On STM32L152RCT6. ITR3 is probably TIM9, but I don't have the bandwidth to search further. Hope this helps someone else.2014-02-18 12:19 AM
The reason for this might be, that only the ''high density line'' members have TIM5 (and TIM6 and TIM7), and those came later than the other ''lines''. It takes some guesswork to find out this and also to find out which exactly are the members of various ''lines'', due to the incredible mess the STM32 documentation is. It's no excuse of course - it's a shame. JW