2014-02-28 2:04 AM
I am missing Port H in the datasheet's memory map. Is it at 0x40021400? https://my.st.com/st-extranet-web-active/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/DM00078075.pdf Thanks! Alex #stm32l-port-h2014-02-28 6:07 AM
OK, try the reference manual : http://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/reference_manual/CD00240193.pdf Looks like you are right, the datasheet omits the fact that you can have OSC_IN/OUT as PH0 and PH1 Looking more closely at the pin map for UFQFPN48, it looks like I was wrong about the use of port C. It only shows PortA and PortB It looks like the 5 bits are part of the PH0 and PH1