2014-02-18 4:58 PM
I have installed STM Virtual COM Port on my computer, But everytime I connect the board via USB cable, window says ''USB device is not recognized'' What shall I do to fix it ? Thanks2014-02-18 8:39 PM
I do not have that board , but i believe u should first check ur device manager n see if u really have that COM port installed , and check the jumpers on the board ..... I had similar situation with my Jlink emulator n it ended up with me reprogramming it.
2014-02-19 1:11 AM
The problem is most likely to be the device NOT the host driver. What code are you running on the device? Try the demo example for USB CDC device.2014-02-19 2:00 AM
do you mean :
STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V3.3.0 and Project Virtual_COM_Port I tried it already and it didn't work, any other clues ?2014-02-19 2:40 AM
''do you mean : STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V3.3.0 and Project Virtual_COM_Port'' Yes, but I could not find that version of the USB library on the ST web site (OK I did not look very hard). I found the V4 : http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF258157 This is a generic library that may or may not have a project for the dev board that you have. If there is no project for the dev board that you have, then it is then up to you (the developer) to port the library code correctly to the dev board. Your problem is that you have 2 unkwons : the Host USB VCP driver and the device USB CDC implementation. I am saying - try to reduce the unknowns down to 1 by using a known USB device implementation. What dev board are you using?2014-02-19 11:12 PM
I created my own dev board,
Is it possible I used blank STM32 with Virtual COM port? I want to upload dfu file for uCLinux.....but can not connect with USB, or there are other alternatives ?2014-02-19 11:27 PM
Virtual Com Port has been installed
C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Virtual COM Port Driver but window can't use it, even I plug in the board ??2014-02-20 1:17 AM
2014-02-20 4:21 AM
With BOOT0=High you should be able to see the device attach in DFU mode on the PC, if it doesn't then your USB implementation is flawed. The DFU demo should include any required drivers.
You other alternates to download code on the part are via SWD/JTAG, or USART1/32014-02-20 3:54 PM
How can I download *.dfu via jtag ?
I have two files to upload : Tiny_kernel_boot_loader.hex and uClinux_on_stm32-MCU_Flash.dfu Could you please read the release notes attached ? What's the relation between *.dfu and *.hex, usually I uploaded *.hex only via J-Link... Any enlightment ? thanks ________________ Attachments : Release_Notes.html : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0HA&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bad%2F2RyT2Ve2FzuOwKFM1jJCkL97kSmkS_kn.ldSnoscSkg&asPdf=false