2018-03-08 8:13 PM
I'm using LoRa network with sx1272 + stm32L0 (node),
and RAK831 (gateway) , also custom network server.
i found that uplink rssi printed in gateway is quite good enough(-32dBm), however, downlink rssi printed in node(stm32L0) is quite bad(-90dBm).
the distance from each other is same, and i use SF 12 & same channel.
the power level gateway use is 23dBm which is the standard of Korea.
I don't know why this difference happens.
is this problem maybe from end node's hardware issue or sx1272's bad sensitivity? or gateway emitting low-quality signal (maybe it's not).
2018-03-08 9:45 PM
is this problem maybe from end node's hardware issue or sx1272's bad sensitivity?
Then perhaps you need to establish some baseline using some different nodes/implementations? Say with SX1272 or SX1276 shields, or Murata module on a LoRa Discovery board. Or look at implementations with an LNA on the receive side.
2018-03-09 12:48 AM
Clive One wrote:
you need to establish some baseline using some different nodes/implementations?
Can you try a different gateway?