2018-06-14 8:32 AM
I use the STM32L072CZ Discovery Board and I don�t find the PA6 PIN (MISO) on the board. In which document I can find the shematic Information? Or can somebody tell me another way to find the right PIN on the board, please?
#pin-labels #stm32l072cz #pin-mapping2018-06-14 8:48 AM
The LoRa-DISCO board?
PA6 connected internally to the radio chip. The Murata module datasheet?A NUCLEO board?
2018-06-14 11:08 AM
Yes, it is the
. So I will look in the datasheet from Murata. Thank You.2018-06-14 11:32 AM
The PA6 pin from the STM32L072CZ doesn't escape the module, it is an internal node connected to the SX1276 radio chip.
The Blog page covers the internal and external nodes