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STM32L discovery I can not load program from Keil

Associate II
Posted on May 14, 2013 at 17:31

I have 3 STM32L152 discovery which anser ''Unknown target connected'' when I load a program from keil.

I try  setting BOOT0 HIGH when I push the  reset Button .

There no result.

Best regards

Yves de Brest

Posted on May 14, 2013 at 18:11

Make sure you've configured the Debugger to use SWD mode.

Ensure you have current drivers and firmware. Confirm connectivity/function with the ST-Link Utilities.

The older firmware will expect you to use the ''ST-Link (Deprecated Version)'' connection in Keil. The newer firmware ''ST-Link Debugger''

There have classically be download issue with Keil/ST-Link (Flash->Download), but the debug/download option should work.
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