2011-12-16 07:33 AM
I've recently bought a stm32l-discovery board and I want to start developing for the onboad processor. I have some previous experience with 8bit atmel microcontrollers but not with (32bit) ARM processors.I would like to start extremely simple, just some I/O port code to understand the basics. (32bit version of PORTD |= 0x01 etc.).Does anybody know any (good) tutorial so that I can learn these most basics of basics?I'm using IAR EWARM 6.30.Thanks in advance, Luc #beginner #tutorial2011-12-16 07:55 AM
Try looking in the examples folder, which your version of IAR presumably holds
\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 5.4 Kickstart\arm\examples\ST\STM32L1xx\STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Lib\Project\STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Examples The examples for the STM32F1xx are also worth looking over, although the pin configuration is a bit different. For a good introduction to the Cortex-M3, I'd strongly recommend taking a look at Joseph Yiu's Definitive Guidehttp://www.amazon.com/Definitive-Guide-ARM-Cortex-M3-Second/dp/185617963X/ref=dp_ob_title_bk
A through reading of the ST and ARM manuals is also strongly recommended, and would generally view it as a prerequisite to taking on a new architecture.2011-12-18 11:55 PM
Found the examples, will try to understand them.
I'll see if I can order the book asapThank you for the reply