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stm32G4 interfacing with ESP32 Wroom

Associate II

I am trying to communicate to ESP32 from STM32G4 using UART communication..the pins that i connected are GPIO16,17,pwr,GND on the esp32 side and tx-rx-3.3v-gnd on the stm side the baud rate is 115200, parity none stop bit 1 and flow control 0 on both side....

the API that im using HAL_UART_Transmit(....); but iam unable to get any response from the esp32 side.....when programmed using usb to uart to esp32 ATcommand port im getting response....

do you have any suggestions.

Igor Cesko
ST Employee

Ategg.1 (Community Member),

Please check the connection and also the waveform on oscilloscope on TxD RxD lines - if there is correct communication speed. If communication works with USB to UART then STM32G4 should work also. Important will be the speed setting (best way is to check it on oscilloscope - one bit duration).

