2025-01-07 8:04 AM
[NOTE : this message has several parts, because it took me time to write, time to check what I wrote, time to check again "The Internet", just in case. And guess what : I found some solutions to some of the problems. But I prefer to share my whole pain, I want others to suffer too, so I'm not altering/correcting what I wrote yesterday ... After that, I'll gladly appear dumb with answers than the other way around]
[DAY 1 : after several weeks of ... You'll see]
Could you explain why I’m struggling that much implementing OTA ?
I’ll admit easily that I’m not the top of the top embedded devs. But my stupidity has limits, I hope.
And after the few weeks I spent reading documentations, examples, and testing, I expected to be coding the download and writing in flash of a new FW version already.
Far from that. So please accept my apologies in advance if the following reflect how pissed I am to waste so much time on something that should be straightforward.
Context : I’m using an STM32F769I-DISCO on one side, and a custom board based on a STM32F765VGT6 (dev ID 0x451 ; rev ID : Rev Z). I used the discovery to get familiar with the concepts, but now, I’m using only the custom board.
In the following explanations, BHuCP means “BY HAND, using STM32CubeProgrammer” (CubeProg in short).
So far, the best result I got is :
Before continuing, please confirm : I must set a proper line
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000, LENGTH = 1024K
in the linker script ? This one is the default.
I need to set the length at 512K (half the 1 MB of the F765). And I would need one line/one setting/one linker script for boot address (ORIGIN) of bank 1, and another for boot address (ORIGIN) of bank 2, correct ? Or can a FW build with ORIGIN = 0x8000000 boot from the bank 2 ?
Now, why am I complaining ?
Because of the following :
So, what am I missing ? Obviously, an OTA cannot require the client to install STM32CubeProgrammer to alter Option Bytes or flash the new FW. How do I alter the boot address of the MCU ?
If you allow me one more question …
STM bought Atollic TrueSTUDIO in 2017, right ? Which has been made free for STM products (thanks STM for that), and now combines the IDE and CubeMX.
And this is the IDE of choice from STM for STM products, right ?
So, how do you explain that the examples I find from your own website are made for (from the top of my head) Keil, IAR and OpenSTM32 ?
I know I can import projects in CubeIDE, but that does not end well every time, especially for the two example projects for the F769I-DISCO with LED1 blinky from bank 1 / LED2 blinky from bank 2. Why can’t we have examples with CubeIDE projects that integrate immediately, without struggles, in your own IDE ?
I would be ashamed and relieved at the same time if you point me to a document that explain how to properly do an OTA. But I'm afraid that may not be as simple as that.
[DAY 2 : after a lucky search. Yes, after decades of internet searches, I still think I'll only find pertinent results with luck]
I just discovered the existence of the HAL functions HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock(), HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock() and HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch().
I determined that this should be the proper order of the call sequence :
res = HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock();
displayHALStatus(res, "HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock()");
if( res == HAL_OK )
MSG_INFO("Writing swapped Boot bytes\n");
MSG_INFO(" BootAddr0: 0x"); MSG_INFO_uint32_hex(optionBytes.BootAddr0, 4); MSG_INFO(" => "); MSG_INFO(obBootAddrToStr(optionBytes.BootAddr0)); MSG_INFO("\n");
MSG_INFO(" BootAddr1: 0x"); MSG_INFO_uint32_hex(optionBytes.BootAddr1, 4); MSG_INFO(" => "); MSG_INFO(obBootAddrToStr(optionBytes.BootAddr1)); MSG_INFO("\n");
HAL_FLASHEx_OBProgram(& optionBytes);
res = HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch();
displayHALStatus(res, "HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch()");
res = HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock();
displayHALStatus(res, "HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock()");
In short : unlock, program, launch, lock. Correct ?
After struggling again with CubeProg to flash the bank 2 FW, I'm able to :
At last, some progress.
I'll make some more tests, and a pause, to wait for your answers, before coding the download of a new FW into the inactive flash bank.
[DAY 2 - 1/2 : the struggles with CubeProg]
Apart from the confirmation/invalidation of the bank 2 start address I'm using, here is today's first flash session :
[DAY 2 - 3/4 : additional question]
If the answer to the question "does ORIGIN need to be set to the actual bank start address ?" is "yes", this means that there must be a linker script for bank 1, and another for bank 2, right ?
/** @defgroup FLASHEx_Boot_Address FLASH Boot Address
* @{
#define OB_BOOTADDR_ITCM_RAM ((uint32_t)0x0000U) /*!< Boot from ITCM RAM (0x00000000) */
#define OB_BOOTADDR_SYSTEM ((uint32_t)0x0040U) /*!< Boot from System memory bootloader (0x00100000) */
#define OB_BOOTADDR_ITCM_FLASH ((uint32_t)0x0080U) /*!< Boot from Flash on ITCM interface (0x00200000) */
#define OB_BOOTADDR_AXIM_FLASH ((uint32_t)0x2000U) /*!< Boot from Flash on AXIM interface (0x08000000) */
#define OB_BOOTADDR_DTCM_RAM ((uint32_t)0x8000U) /*!< Boot from DTCM RAM (0x20000000) */
#define OB_BOOTADDR_SRAM1 ((uint32_t)0x8004U) /*!< Boot from SRAM1 (0x20010000) */
#if (SRAM2_BASE == 0x2003C000U)
#define OB_BOOTADDR_SRAM2 ((uint32_t)0x800FU) /*!< Boot from SRAM2 (0x2003C000) */
#define OB_BOOTADDR_SRAM2 ((uint32_t)0x8013U) /*!< Boot from SRAM2 (0x2004C000) */
#endif /* SRAM2_BASE == 0x2003C000U */
* @}
Especially why 0x2040 means 0x08100000, 0x2020 means 0x08080000 and 0x2000 means 0x08000000 ?
And is there a problem using 0x80 to boot from 0x08000000
[DAY 2 - conclusion]
I know I can be far from diplomatic or correct when reporting such problems when I'm still pissed ... Again, sorry for the form.
If you could get past that, thank you for any help, corrections of my mistakes, indications of better documents, anything
2025-01-13 4:43 AM
Seriously ?
Nothing at all ?
Almost a week later ?