2016-11-09 5:40 AM
Can anybody point me at a document for the the pin configuration for the 'F746 100 pin package. I can't find LCD_B1 on the data sheet or in the reference manual. I assume there is something else as the 'how to configure' information is a bit thin on the ground.
2016-11-09 6:18 AM
> Can anybody point me at a document for the the pin configuration for the 'F746 100 pin package. I can't find LCD_B1 on the data sheet or in the reference manual.
Textual search finds it in 'F746 DS rev.4 at PG12 and PJ13 in both tables. In other words, there is no LCD_B1 in the 100-pin packages. > I assume there is something else as the 'how to configure' information is a bit thin on the ground. I can't think of anything better founded than those tables in DS. JW2016-11-09 9:51 AM
Thanks. However I think that's a bit unlikely as that is the LCD version of the of the chip. I was reasoning a misprint was more reasonable rather than a error in the silicon.
2016-11-09 2:35 PM
Hey there,
it appears this device supports only RGB666 & RGB565 displays. That's why you can't find them in the DS or RM. Use the STM32CubeMX for this. It will show you, which pins are present etc...Have a nice day,Renegade2016-11-10 1:16 PM
Thanks. Good call.