2015-08-05 7:02 AM
I've just got hold of an STM32F7 Discovery Board and I was wondering about how many SPI interfaces it had exposed. Although the MCU is said to have six, I suspect only one is exposed through the Arduino shield header looking at user manual? Is this correct or am I missing something pretty basic? Many thanks, Sam #stm32f72015-08-05 10:37 AM
There are a finite number of pins, the board is heavily populated with external parts/interfaces (SDRAM, LCD, DCMI, ETHERNET, SDIO).
Your easy expansion options are pretty much limited to the pins exposed on the Arduino shield interface. This is targeted as a board with pretty much full utilization of resources, not as a break-out board. You'd want to cross check the pins listed in the manual against the datasheet for the BGA.There may be better opportunities with 64/100/144-pin LQFP packages to find break-out boards, or to do a desolder/replace on other STM32 boards.