2016-11-01 1:41 AM
Is it possible to control the brightness of the display?Thanks againGiorgio #stm32f746g-disco2016-11-02 1:44 PM
The schematic in the
has LCD_BL_CTRL connected to PK3, perhaps you can modulate that?2016-11-03 3:35 AM
Hi guglielmino.giorgio,
After checking both STM32F746G-DISCO and the :The ''Iled'' which monitors the Leds current (brightness) is set to 20 mA as maximum value through setting the Rled= 8 ohm as typical value (R75 on disco) and Rset= 100Kohm as maximum value ( R82 on disco). The device can be turned ON/OFF through the logic enable signal pin EN which is connected to LCD_BL_CTRL ( PK3 On MCU)You can either control this ''Iled'' By applying a low frequency PWM signal to LCD_BL_CTRL to decrease the Led current. I propose that you put the input signal through the 0ohm resistor R81. The PWM signal can be brought from another pin out by external connection.-Hannibal-